Thursday, March 6, 2008

I thought I would post a few more things. So, yesturday I was playing with the cats by the patio door's; the sun comes in so bright right there and the cats won't move from that spot all day because it's so warm. As I was playing with them on the floor, I looked at grandma & grandpa's chairs that we have. I noticed the chairs are getting pretty rough in some spots where the paint is chipped off and then the wood underneath is getting chipped as well.

As I was looking at the one chair and looking around it and underneath it, I noticed something. I noticed on one side of the chair there was written in red marker, "Laurie." It looked like when laurie was little she decided to claim her own chair at grandpa & grandma's. Well, now I can't get the chairs refinished, or at least that one anyway. I can't beleive I never noticed it before. How funny.

Brian has been busy with his classes and work. He's still having a great time with all of it.

Brian needs to write a thesis for his Master's and he decided to write to Mike Houts at Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama for some advice or topics to help him with. Brian has previously met him in Alberqurque, N.M last month. Today, Mike wrote him back about some testing they are doing and has invited Brian to come to Alabama to spend a few weeks there while they are testing. Needless to say, Brian is more than excited! If Brian does go, he will pretty much be working on NASA grounds. (kid in a candy store).

Not much else going on here. I'll send a picture of "Laurie's" chair.


Stacy said...

I wonder if Grandpa and Grandma knew Laurie did that. Or did she sneak and do it? Too funny.

Laurie said...

LOL! That is really crazy! Yeah, looks like you can't get that chair redone. It was all part of my plan :P