Thursday, June 19, 2008

Brian's Birthday 6-14-08

For Brian's birthday we didn't do much. I had to work the morning of his birthday and there was no way for me to get the entire day off of work because we are that short handed. Oh well.

While I was at work, Brian went to an Air show in Rexburg, ID that's about 30 minutes from Idaho falls, then he went to a gun range to fire a few rounds. After I got off of work we drove to Jackson Hole, Wy to meet Mark. I guess mark was spending a week in Jackson Hole to help a resident there fly his own (yes own) plane. This guy must have some money. We met Mark in a local bar to pick him up after their flight and we briefly met the millianare who just bought his own small two engine plane;mark estimated some plane's these people buy are around $600,000+. I can't fathem buying my own personnal plane. Crazy rich people. It sounds like he's having a great time with his job. Mark said, flying over the Teton Mountains was so neat. I can't imagine flying right over the mountain range in Jackson, i'm a little jealous.

We didn't have much time to spend in Jackson but, we had a fun visit. We had a nice walk around town and I hope to get back there soon to shop a little bit. There's not much I could afford there, but I could find a few things I might like. :-) It was such a gorgeous drive there again. We just missed the snow storm they had about a week before, so most of the snow is gone.

Not much new around here. Otherwise the same old. Hope all is well everywhere.

Laurie~Hope your enjoying your new pad. Send some pictures soon! And hope you are having fun showing mom and dad around.


Stacy said...

I think there's a lot of money floating around Jackson Hole. Glad Brian had a good birthday!

Laurie said...

Sounds like Brain had a great birthday :)