Friday, July 10, 2009

4th of July weekend

Here are some pictures of me from the 4th. It was hard work, but I had a lot of fun. I didn't get to ride in a hot air balloon this time, but oh well. The weather was alright. Kind of overcast the whole weekend until Sunday, which was really hot. I hope everyone else had a great 4th!

The Crew!

Me and Sugar Bear! (Battle Creek is the home of Kelloggs. There's also a Tony the Tiger balloon)

Spotting the Thunder Birds in the sky for the camera operator.

After three hours of sleep... coffee is in order! the sun hasn't even come up yet...

Me shooting aerobatic. planes

Random hot air balloon pictures...


Kelly said...

I love the pics! Looks like a gorgeous day. Hopefully the coffee helped some. :-) I like the sugar bear balloon.

Stacy said...

That looks like so much fun!