Saturday, April 14, 2007

More random thoughts

I keep thinking of things to write.

I am reading "In Cold Blood" by Truman Capote. Highly recommended. It got a little slow in the middle, but it is starting to pick up again.
"Excuse me for not leaping for joy. Bad back you know." (Torii is currently occupied with The Lion King. That's why I can write so much now).

Laurie-how many favorite movies can you have? Wow.

Don't bother watching "Happy Feet". Very bad movie.

The Green Mill closed here. But I hear it's going to be a Chili's. Awesome! I love Chili's. I want a strawberry lemonade so bad now.

I am craving Diet Coke and frozen Cokes. At least it's almost summer. I craved frozen Cokes with Fred Rion and it was the middle of winter. GG told me today that she craved popcorn and beer with dad. Funny.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

I heard "Happy Feet," is very long and boring, not much to see but nice movie to fall asleep to.