Wednesday, April 25, 2007


The boys and I had a pretty good weekend. It was nice out so we spent a lot of time outside. On Sunday I had to run out to work because I forgot my folder there and I had an article due for MOPS that day. So I took the boys with me so I could show them where I work. I should them everything and when I told Fred Rion, here is my computer, he asked, where are the games? Then we played on the bridge to the village for awhile because they were really impressed by that.

Today we had MOPS. We only have one more meeting before the fall. We always do something fun for the last meeting and for this one every table has to come up with a theme. We are doing hawaiian. I think I still have some things left from the bachelorette party so I'll have to find them. Someone suggested wearing old bridesmaid dresses and I thought that would have been a lot more fun. Although I would really have to squeeze into mine.

Laurie I saw Dr. Strangelove at Walmart for $4.88. I didn't know if you had it so I didn't pick it up. You should check it out.

I was listening to a cd today, see if you can figure out which one. But while listening to it I decided Jonas would be a cute name for a boy. So I checked out the name online and it means "a dove." I also checked out the lyrics online and I yah, I like the name. I bet you'll figure it out Laurie. If you get it right you get....nothing.

fred- Fred Rion spelled his name. mom, more spelling from Fred Rion and I think he is going to do more. Here you go. pop zat exit cat hat fat

Fred Rion and I went to Meet the Robinsons on Saturday. It was ok. It was in 3D so that was really neat. Fred Rion was ready to go 3/4 into the movie. When we were leaving the parking lot he said he needed to go potty, "I can feel it" he said. It was funny. He was really good and held it in until we got home, but he was really ready to go.

Fred Rion said my time is up. I'm all done he said.


Kelly said...

WOW! I can't beleive that fred rion is spelling! Way to go!

Laurie said...

WEEZER! I agree Jonas is a cute name. I almost think that would be cute name for either a boy or girl. I think for guessing the right answer I should be awarded Dr. Strangelove haha. Just Kidding:P I have the movie already, but it is unplayable because it got stuck in a Xbox at one time. We had to dig it out, which resulted in numerous scratches. :( Oh well. Whatya do?

That is so great that Fred Rion is spelling! He will soon be a better speller than me!