Tuesday, July 10, 2007

To continue..

I didn't get done with my blog entry yesterday as kids were climbing all over me and I was also trying to talk to Kelly.

So anyway.. On Saturday it was really hot. We did some errands in the morning and stayed in the rest of the day. We spent most of the day downstairs. I started a project in the room the boys and I share. They have a play room and it's also my craft room. I ripped down the wallpaper and most of the styrofoam they had on the wall and ripped out the carpet. Now I'm going to put some stuff on the wall that will hopefully keep water out. Then I just want to redo the room how I want. Dad said he would help put up walls since I don't really know how to do that. Hopefully I can get this done before the baby gets here. We'll see.

Sunday was really nice so we walked to GG's house. The kids played outside and then ate chocolate like they always do there. No wonder I couldn't get Torii to take a nap when we got home. Then they picked and ate raspberries.

1 comment:

Laurie said...

It sounds like it has been really hot in Bismarck lately. It was really nice here today. i good change from the muggy weather we've been having.