Monday, August 6, 2007

Long week

Last week was just a long week. I had car problems. It wouldn't start on two days while I was at work. I think we got that problem fixed now. On Monday I was also suppose to get a PowerPoint together, but our computers were down. So while I was trying to figure out how to my vehicle starting again, I was trying to fix the computers. It turned out a construction crew cut a wire, which would have been nice if the help desk could have made that call right away. Instead I was stressed out for most of the day. So on Tuesday I only had the morning to work on the PowerPoint, which I actually got done. It didn't look great, but it was done. Wednesday my vehicle quit at work again. Thursday and Friday were busy at work as usual, but by then it already seemed like it should be the weekend.

I didn't do too much this weekend. The mornings were nice and cool so I did get outside with the boys. Last night they stayed overnight at Grandpa and Grandma's. So then I got my Wal-mart shopping out of the way and watched The Prestige last night. It was ok, I figured out the ending before it happened. Now I'm at work again. I don't know what they are going to do in the coming weeks. I'm sure they are counting on me to be at the entrance on Monday mornings, but I just don't think I can do it. I can't be on my feet that long without feeling really uncomfortable. They sent me into town this morning which I didn't want to do because it was a long list of errands. I was going to work as long as I could, but now I'm thinking I should just work to the end of Sept at the very lastest. That would at least give me some time to relax, clean house, and spend some time with the boys before all hell breaks loose. Actually, I think I just talked myself into it.

I guess I did a little venting today, but I guess I needed to. I've felt a little stressed.

Oh yah, the kids like Scooby Doo now. They keep making new movies for Cartoon Network. Anyway, they had a marathon on Saturday, but it was the old Scooby Doo. We watched a couple of episodes. I had forgotten about the laugh track. I wish they would put those on DVD, they were great.

The kids have been really funny lately, but here's one of the funnier things from recently. The kids were getting out of the bathtub and Torii kept screaming and it was really high pitched. Finally I said, "Torii you need to stop screaming or I will spank that bare butt of yours." I turned around and then I could hear Fred Rion whispering to him, "Scream Torii, scream."


Kelly said...

That Fred Rion! What a stinker. :-)Stacy, do you have the blazer that keeps quitting? Maybe you and fred should switch vehicles? I hope it's running ok now. I like the idea of just quit work and relax, go for it! You deserve it. Take the time off and relax.
Take care, Kelly

Laurie said...

I agree! you need time to relax! You can't be standing on your feet all day like that; i can barely do and I'm only carrying myself (haha).

That Fred Rion (haha) :P...

I had a funny experience with a child this week at the zoo. This little girl was waiting to get on the camel, and I like to talk to the kids while they wait (keep them occupied, since 2/3 of them are incredibly inpatient). So, this little girl points to a camel that was chewing, and she tells me that the camel was eating apples... but not people apples, animal apples. So I give the "oh yeah?" remark, and then she goes, "yup!" and pauses for awhile before telling me that her mom gave her animal cookies to eat today, so I asked her, "Well, if you eat animal cookies, then what kind of cookies do animals eat???" LOL. You should have seen her face. It took her awhile to answer, but she eventually told me that, "animals eat animal animal cookies."

Stacy said...

I did take the Saturn for a couple of days, but I would never give up my Blazer for the Saturn. Except for the rearview mirror that fell off the windshield, I think the Blazer is now back to normal.

Laurie- that's funny about the little girl.