Monday, August 20, 2007


It's been cloudy and rainy here the past few days. We haven't done too much, but I do really like the cooler weather.

On Saturday our neighborhood had a block party. Everybody brought really good food. People that used to live on the street were also invited. A lot of the people that live on the block now had their grandkids there so there were a lot of kids around. The boys had a lot of fun. Fred Rion made me look real good. He took a break from playing and had a snack. Over everything else there he grabbed some brocolli and ate it. Then he went for seconds. Nobody could believe it. Torii had everyone laughing because they asked him about his Jeff Gordon jacket and he went on and on about it. About 9:00 Fred Rion said he was tired and ready to go home. Which was good because there was drinking going on and some people were getting a little annoying. But it was a good time. We got to know some of the neighbors a little better.

Last week we went to a Meddy Bear concert at Sleepy Hollow. Fred Rion had no interest in the concert and we soon ended up way in the back where other kids were playing. This was basically the section for parents who had boys. We sat on a little hill and the kids were rolling down it. Then Fred Rion went off with some kids and wandered too far for me so I had to get after him. They had a good time and it was cool that night so it wasn't so bad.

Yesterday we went to mom and dad's because the boys wanted to see them. Sounded like they had a really good time on vacation. We gave dad his birthday gift (don't forget to call him today!)

Haven't been up to much else. Just taking it easy.

1 comment:

Laurie said...

we have had cool weather here too, It's a nice change, and reminds me that fall is almost here (my favorite season). :)
It sounds like you and boys had some fun this weekend! I had to laugh when you said the boys were rolling down the hill because it reminded me of something I would have done.