Friday, September 28, 2007

Any Plans for the Weekend?

Anyone have any plans for the weeked? Not much going on here. At work for me has been completley crazy and I have been working long days. I have been working everyday from 7am-5or 6pm. I am so short staffed and this weekend is worse. I am working saturday and sunday also. Grrrr. I don't mind working this hard for them before Brian and I leave because they have been so great for me and family, but the long hours do catch up to you later and today I wasn't feeling well. When I came home after work, I went to the couch and fell asleep for about 2 1/2 hours. It was nice.
We heard some news from back home that we really didn't want to hear. Travis Morrell, our bestman for the wedding, he was driving his motorcycle on Rosser and as he was passing 12th st. someone decided to run a stop sign and side swiped him. He's doing ok but pretty beat up. He has three broken bones in one leg, he broke his collar bone and his clavicle bone also. I guess the person that hit him is pretty shook up because the driver knows him somehow. We called him and he sounds in good spirits, but maybe it was just the morphine drip talking? He's at St. ALexius hospital and we had to joke with him that he didn't have very far to go from the accident scene. Poor guy. I had to think about it for a second, and how everyone was telling Travis to be safe and take care, while he was in Afgahnastan!
Well, besides that sad news about Travis, we haven't really been doing anything. Brian has been trying to stay caught up with his classes and I have been working to much, it's hard to do anything lately. Which is ok because we need to save up some $$'s for moving. This weekend is another UW football weekend and we might have tickets to go. We will know tommorow morning if we got them or not. They are very hard tickets to come by. To get tickets for the UW football weekends is almost like trying to get Packers tickets, ya right, good luck. So, brian knows someone who might not beable to go and we might take the tickets off his hands. :-D I would be so excited to go. I heard they are alot of fun! One girl that I hired, Allison, she is a cheerleader for UW and she is so fun. I told her I wanted to get to a game to watch her cheer and she always said the games are sooooo much fun.
It's funy when my boss, (who used to be a cheerleader herself,) and Allison start talking together; putting a present cheerleader in the room with a former cheerleader, the energy in the room really lifts up for some reason. It's pretty funny.
Right now while I'm typing, Victoria likes to sit in my lap at the computer and be in my way. She likes to lick my arm while I'm typing. I guess I taste good. Stupid cat.
Oh, also next week is the World Dairy Expo. This Expo is huge in town and the hotel's in Madison are pretty much all sold out for the entire week. There are alot of people that will come in from different counrty's to be here for this event. I know there are some Germans coming in on Sunday. So, lots of Dairy farmers and large Dairy/farming equipment companies that will be in town from everywhere. It should be a fun week. I might go check it out for the free cheese curds and beer that they had last year anyway. Yummmm. :-D
Have a great weekend everyone and take care!
(*And NO Brian you still can't have a motorcycle*)


Stacy said...

I hope Travis gets well soon. There are a lot of bad drivers around here.

I think UW plays a pretty good team this weekend. I could be wrong. It would be so cool if you got to go. The games do look like a lot of fun.

Laurie said...

Yeah I think they play a pretty good team too.... lol. they play Michigan. Ha.

I hope Travis recovers quickly :( Poor guy!