Friday, September 7, 2007

One of those weeks

It's finally Friday. It's been such a long week. I worked on Monday and half of the day was outside. It was hot and I was ready for a nap by lunchtime. On Tuesday I stayed home because Fred went to the emergency room Monday night and found out he had kidney stones. He got some pain medication and I didn't know how he was going to react to it so I stayed home. He's better now, but he was in such a bad mood last night that I wondered if I could get him some more pain medication to improve his mood. Tuesday I had a doctor's appointment. Everything is going good for me and baby. Wednesday was another long day at work. Thursday we had MOPS. That was really nice. I always feel refreshed after MOPS. Then I worked that afternoon so there went my refreshed feeling. Today I'm working, but leaving at 3:00. Daisie's birthday party is at 4:00 today. I haven't been sleeping well so that's not helping any at work. Next week is my last week.

Last night we went to Wal-mart to get Daisie's gift. We had to leave because Torii wet his pants. He's been doing so good too. Then he was mad we were leaving and Fred Rion kept teasing him about being a baby so that didn't help. After everybody calmed down and Fred made me mad we left again and went to Target. I don't think I got to relax last night until about 8pm. I'm really tired today. Everybody was so cranky last night. So it's been a long week. Glad it's almost the weekend.

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