Sunday, October 14, 2007

Emergency Room?Not Quite.

So, brian and I haven't been doing much. Today we had some friends over for lunch and I made Kneopla, some fruit put together, spinach dip, and the little burritos with the green chilis and Jalapeno's. It was a fun get together.
Yesturday when Brian and I were cleaning the apartment, I started to clean a little more in the bathroom. I noticed our toothbrush holder was pretty grimmey and it can be hard to clean being the silver metal ring around the glass holder is pretty tight. So, I thought since I have never tried to take the metal top off of it to clean, I tried to twist it off, nothing. I then tugged a little on it and suddenly it came loose and my right hand quickly slammed against the bathroom sink with the heavy glass holder coming against the other side of my hand. So, basically my pinkey finger was wedged in between the glass holder and sink. OUCH! I had to think for a second in shock, thinking, "that should have hurt a little." So, when I was putting the holder back together, I looked down at my right hand and my pinkey finger was black and blue, bleeding and about the size of my thumb. Then my right hand started to shake a little in pain. Brian quickly said to put ice on it and put pressure on the wound. I thought I was going to the emergency room because it looked aweful. Within seconds, my pinkey was the size of my thumb and black as it could be. I can still use my finger and everything seems to work just fine. I think I may have jammed it up pretty good. I can't really bend it all the way right now, because it feels stiff and it's still black and blue around my knuckles. But, at least it's not the size of thumb anymore, just a little swollen. This morning I forgot about the little incident with it bandaged up and after taking my shower I was going to dry my hair, I grabbed for the hair dryer and comb with my right hand and almost dropped it because I felt the pain on the right side of hand. It would be just like me to drop the comb or hair dryer on my toes too! Then I would be limping my way to the hospital sooner or later.
Laurie, I think you're right, I haven't injured myself like this for awhile so I think I was over due on one. Ha Ha Ha.

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