Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!!

I just wanted to say happy halloween to everyone!!! I cannot wait to see pictures of the little ones all dressed up!!! :) I was also thinking about how bummed I am about not being home to see the house all decorated! I love moms halloween decorations, and it is always a fun time of the year. Halloween also has some of the most fun movies on tv. I'm making Lesley watch all these horror movies since she has never seen most of them. We are watching Halloween later today (how fitting huh?).
A couple nights ago we went to a costume party. Lesley and I were Thing 1, and 2 one night, and the following night I was witch, and Lesley was a Lego. lol. It was really fun to make Lesley's Lego costume. I will post pictures eventually.
Well I suppose, I better get back to writing my paper on "bipedal evolution theories". lol. Sounds fun, huh? I hope everyone has a fun day, and gets a lot of candy!! :)

1 comment:

Kelly said...

I agree about mom's decorations for halloween. I miss them. I hope the kids have fun tonight. Send pictures when you can. I can't wait to see everyone. Have great time.