Thursday, October 25, 2007

Torii and Cordelia

I got a picture of a yawn. So cute. And Torii loves to be in pictures so he got in on it too.
Cordelia and I went on our first big outing yesterday. The boys were at Grandpa and Grandma's on an overnight and Fred was hunting so it was just us girls. I like saying that: just us girls. I had some film to bring in so we went to Target. I didn't know if she would last the whole hour until the pictures were done, but she did. She slept the whole time and even snored. People kept looking in my cart to see what was making that noise. It was nice to get out and just waste an hour at Target. I found a couple of cute shirts and got some ideas for the boys for Christmas. Other than that, not much happening. Time for the World Series now so gotta go.

1 comment:

Laurie said...

such a cute picture!

...I'm feeling bad for the Rockies right now :( At least they be in Colorado soon!