Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Two things:

I just remembered two great things I was going to share with everyone.
The first is the philosophy of dogs and cats:

You give a dog food, shelter, and love. He says, "wow, you must be a god!". You give a cat food, shelter, and love and he says, “wow, I must be a god!”

The second is a joke I heard (I think dad might like this one):

A college kid was walking through a fair one day. As he was walking with his friends he overheard a psychic. She relentlessly asked people "Who's next? Who's the next to get their fortune told?". Finally the man turned to the psychic and said, "you're the psychic! Shouldn't you know who's next???"

1 comment:

Stacy said...

I like the one about the dog and cat. That's funny.