Friday, April 11, 2008

Fresh Popcorn

I found this really cute ceramic bucket the other day. It's not vintage or anything, but it makes a nice addition. It makes a nice holder for the movies I borrow from people, or movies I've bought and haven't watched yet. I thought about putting a plant in it too, but I don't think I want to get it that dirty. I'm starting to look for old movie items, so if you see any!! :P I already have a few old film ads and what not, so let the collection being I guess :)


Kelly said...

I like that idea. I'll keep a look out for some movie things for ya.

Stacy said...

Sorry, most of the movie stuff I find is for myself. Our family room downstairs has movie stuff. Complete with old movie seats mom and dad gave me. I do have some decorating ideas that I was going to do.I'll make some for you too!