Monday, April 28, 2008

Selling onesies

On Saturday I had a table at a Relay for Life fundraiser. I didn't sell a whole lot, but it was a good experience. At least I made my money back from the table fee and a little more. I am doing a show in two weeks that is geared towards families so I hope to do good at that one. This was a good experience though. I learned somethings and want to do somethings differently at the next show. The picture is of my display. I am going to get some things from mom and dad for the next show to jazz up the display a little. I do like how the hanging onesies turned out so people could see that one had a front and back design.
So now I am waiting for my refund check to come so I can order a bunch more onesies. Then I have to work my butt off to get reading for that show. At least I have some inventory now so I don't have to work quite hard as I did for this first show.
Not much else is going on. The weather will not warm up. I'm so sick of being inside. Cordelia is crawling now. It's not a full out crawl, but she can get to what she wants. At our last MOPS meeting we had a speaker come in about reading to kids. She told us to read books to our kids that are above their reading level. They will understand you reading it even if it's too hard for them to read. Which makes sense. Today Rion wanted me to read The Spiderwick Chronicles to him. (I think Kelly got it for him? Thanks!) It's just a part of one of the books and he really liked it. So we may go to the bookstore and pick up the whole version. In the meantime we started reading Harry Potter. Between mom and I we have all the books. So we started that tonight before bedtime. Knowing how the series ends, it will be fun to read them all over again. I know I'm a nerd.
The boys stayed overnight at Grandpa and Grandma's house last week. They had a lot of fun. I had to make fruit salad for them because they liked it so much. They sure went through it fast.


Kelly said...

I'm glad the boys liked the Spiderwick Chronicles. I got those little books in my Cheerios boxes when the movie was coming out. Auntie loves her Cheerios and those books looked interesting. Good luck on your next show. That's great you get the chance to do that, with all the kids. Busy, busy mom.

Laurie said...

sounds like you have been keeping busy! Good luck on your next show!!