Sunday, April 13, 2008

The weekend

Hope everyone had a nice weekend. On Friday I went down to the Tumbleweed for a little bit to celebrate with dad for his retirement. It was a good time. I wish I could have had a drink. Only 6 months to go. GG had a couple of drinks and was a riot. If she had her own TV show it would have to be on HBO.

It was a beautiful weekend here. I wanted to get outside and work in the yard, but had to stay indoors. On Saturday I took Torii to the walk-in clinic. He has an ear infection. He has been battling a runny nose and cough all week and on Saturday wasn't feeling good at all. He wanted me to put a band-aid on his ear. He is feeling a lot better today, but now it's Rion's turn. He sat on the couch all day. Lucky for him there was Ben 10 marathon on. Cordelia also has a bit of a cough and runny nose. I hate it when they are sick.

I haven't been doing much else. It is suppose to be nice this week too so hopefully the kids get better real soon.

1 comment:

Laurie said...

awww.. I hope they feel better soon! :)