Thursday, July 3, 2008

Happy 4th

Anyone doing anything exciting for the 4th? We are going to the parade and mom and dad will probably have a campfire. That's all we are doing.

Yesterday Rion had soccer. He doesn't really pay attention when he plays. One time he walked right over the ball and didn't even know it. It was exciting though, because he scored a goal. He kicked it once and it got by a player from the other team so he had a clear shot to the goal. He dribbled it down and got a goal. It was great. He was so excited. The whole team kind of day dreams, but they're little so it's expected. They all have shown improvements already. Some of the other kids also had some really good plays yesterday so it was fun.

Fred and I went to Get Smart on Tues. It was pretty good. Then we ate at Johnny Carinos. I had some very excellent Chicken Milano.

Today we were at Target and the boys were looking at the toys. Torii spotted something in the Star Wars toys that he said he wants for his birthday. (Which when I thought about it, is next month already). It was the monster from Return of the Jedi that Luke fights when Jabba opens the trap door. The thing is huge too. It's probably the size of a basketball. It is so ugly, but Torii said he wanted it because he likes monsters. It was on clearance, but was still almost thirty dollars. If it gets cheap I might consider getting it for him. He really does love monsters.


Laurie said...

Sounds like you will be having a nice forth. Shooting any fireworks?

Kelly said...

The monster that he likes, that thing is soooo ugly. he hasn't seen star wars has he, with that monster?