Friday, November 28, 2008

Thanksgiving pictures

Cordelia got lots of attention yesterday.
I can't remember what Torii was eating, but he has such a funny face.

Fred drank some milk and then sneezed, spraying it all over the floor. He was nice enough to clean it up.

Cordelia likes to walk around, but she hasn't been brave enough to let go of anyone's hands.

And the turkey. It looked good so mom thought we should take a picture. My first Thanksgiving turkey. Awwwww.
Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hope everyone has a wonderful thanksgiving!! Eats lots of food!! Miss you all :)

I don't think this will work but check your email. Brian made a funny "Christmas at the Seeberg's" Check it out in your email! Hilarious!

Enjoy. Happy Turkey day!

P.s I just tried it, all you need to do is click on this site and it will come right up. :-)

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Here's a list.

Aviator & Apollo 13
Clue & Christmas Vacation
Dances with Wolves
Elizabeth(with cate blanchett)
Fierce Creatures & Father of the Bride
Grumpy Old Men & Grumpier Old Men
Just Married
Knights Tale
Liar Liar
Meet the Fockers & Maverick
Open Range & October Sky
Pink Panther Series w/ Peter Sellers
Quick and the Dead?(i couldn't think of anything else.)
Rio Bravo
Some Like it Hot, Sword in the Stone, Sweet Home Alabama
Tin Cup
Uncle Buck
Victor Victoria
White Christmas
Young Frankenstein

Monday, November 17, 2008

My faves A-Z

Annie Hall (American Beauty super close second)
Batman (Tim Burton version)
A Christmas Story
Dances with Wolves
Emperor's New Groove
the Fifth Element
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
It's a Wonderful Life
Jurassic Park
Knocked Up
La Confidential
My Fair Lady
National Lampoon's Animal House (ha, I got it in there)
Office Space
Pirates of the Caribbean Curse of the Black Pearl
Quiz Show
the Seven Year Itch (The Sting a close second)
To Kill a Mockingbird
the Usual Suspects
Who Framed Roger Rabbit
Young Frankenstein

Discovered new blog...

So I've discovered a new blog that I really like. Stacy, you might enjoy it. Here's the link if you are interested:

It's all about MOVIES!!! There's a lot of cool info about movies I've never heard of, but sound really cool. There is also a post by her where she challenges people to compile a list of their favorite movies. The objective is that each movie must be from one letter of the alphabet. Can you do it? I'm working on mine right :) Shouldn't I be doing homework? :P

Sunday, November 16, 2008


I am finally getting some pictures posted. This picture is from the top of the parking garage at the hospital. The part of the hospital we were in is the building on the left and you can see how close we were to downtown. Both rooms we were in had a view of downtown. I think Rion would have really liked that, especially at night. We could also see the dome from our room.
This is the look I always got from Cordelia in the hospital. She wanted to be held all the time and who could blame her. That elephant next to her is "P-nut". I wanted to get her a gift and the nurses kept calling her little peanut so I thought that was appropriate. Looking at that picture now, she really does look sick. She has put on a couple of pounds and is looking so good. She getting round again. And heavy.

After they put an IV in they had to wrap it up so she wouldn't pull it out. We called it her club. You can see her toe is glowing too. She had that on all the time, it checked her pulse and breathing.

And Rion and his beloved Pikachu. He talks to Pikachu and treats him like a friend. It's pretty funny.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Forgot to post this awhile back.

Victoria and Gingham love this game. Except Victoria is the only one who stands on the ledge. One afternoon I was doing laundry and heard the cats running up and down the stairs. I came out of the bedroom from putting clothes away and stopped in the doorway. Victoria was crouched down on the ledge and swishing her tail around. So I let her proceed to whatever she's after. Sometimes it's gingham and sometimes it's a little ball sitting on the stairs or toy mouse. Anyway, Gingham was on her way up the stairs and when she came to the top....Victoria attacks!! Gingham had no idea she was up there and that poor cat jumped so high! I think she made it to about my waist or higher. Victoria got her good. I was nearly on the floor because I was laughing so hard! Cats can be entertaing when thier in a playful mood. These two are crazy.

Getting ready for Christmas!

Aaaaaah, Thanksgiving is almost here and then the crazy mall rats. I have done some Christmas shopping already and I was so excited to put lights on the house. Brian wasn't too excited to put up the lights above the garage but now he said he would like to put some more on the back of the house! Oh well. I wouldn't mind, because I don't have to take them down. He he. But they would like nice in the back also.
I went to the mall today and walmart. I couldn't wait to leave! Wow, people are crazy! I'm glad that I am getting my Christmas gifts a little earlier.
Well, not much going on here. Hope all is well in everyone else's neck of the woods. :-) Enjoy some pictures of the cats. They wanted to say hi, or at least I think they should say hi. It's been awhile. :-P

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Christmas Ideas

Here's some Christmas ideas I found online at I'm sure everyone is doing something for baby ideas, but here's a few extras if anyone needs any ideas. Send some ideas my way for everyone else also! :-)

Toothpickup $14.95

Drip Clip-Paperclips


These Cookie cutters are so adorable.


Monday, November 3, 2008


Eric and I went for a walk today. Leaves are falling that are bigger than my head! Here are a couple picutres....

Nov. 3rd

Hey! How was everyone's Halloween weekend? I know Stacy has been very busy... Glad you are finally home with your family :) I will call you tomorrow to see how everything is going :) Thought I would give you some time to relax :)

This weekend was pretty eventful. Lots of Halloween fun. I couldn't really think of a costume this year so I just went as a witch :) Eric was a cowboy. On Friday his band had their cd release show so we did that and then went out to a Halloween party. On Saturday their band played at a house, which was really fun. Good times :)

School is going well. Everything is getting pretty busy. Alternative Breaks is keeping me busy too. I found out that Im going to Cape Charles, Va. It looks pretty cool. You should google map it, it's in a neat area. This picture is of all the site leaders this year.

Oh! I almost forgot... but I'm moving out of my apartment :( I'm kind of sad because I like it A LOT, but I got offered to live with some friends, which would cost me half of my current rent soooo I can't really pass it up. Plus, I'll have the internet again, so I can start blogging more again! :) I'm not looking forward to moving all my crap again, but I guess it will be worth it. I really love the house and the people I'm moving in with :) Kind of excited, but I will miss my apartment :)

Well not much else. Hope all is well with everyone!!
P.S. Happy voting tomorrow!