Monday, November 17, 2008

My faves A-Z

Annie Hall (American Beauty super close second)
Batman (Tim Burton version)
A Christmas Story
Dances with Wolves
Emperor's New Groove
the Fifth Element
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
It's a Wonderful Life
Jurassic Park
Knocked Up
La Confidential
My Fair Lady
National Lampoon's Animal House (ha, I got it in there)
Office Space
Pirates of the Caribbean Curse of the Black Pearl
Quiz Show
the Seven Year Itch (The Sting a close second)
To Kill a Mockingbird
the Usual Suspects
Who Framed Roger Rabbit
Young Frankenstein


Laurie said...

Nice list! I've always wanted to see Annie Hall, but have never brought myself around to it. Dances with Wolves is a good choice as is La confidential, and Hitchhiker's, which i almost put that as my H. Nice job with animal house and Quiz Show! I couldn't think of a Q. I did my list while i was on campus the other day and then went home to look at my movies and saw Office Space... I was just like "of course!" haha. Oh well.

Laurie said...

also: emperor's new groove! i love that movie! I also had Lion king on my original list... I consider it a runner up :P

Kelly said...

I love Emperor's New Groove. I have that movie and of course watch it all the time. "Sqweeken." So cute. I like to tease Brian and tell him he has "Lama face." ha ha!

Stacy said...

You have to see Annie Hall! I catch it on TV once in awhile and have to watch it. And I don't own it if anyone needs a Christmas idea for me :)

And I had to look at my movie collection too. I was having a hard time with some letters.