Saturday, November 15, 2008

Getting ready for Christmas!

Aaaaaah, Thanksgiving is almost here and then the crazy mall rats. I have done some Christmas shopping already and I was so excited to put lights on the house. Brian wasn't too excited to put up the lights above the garage but now he said he would like to put some more on the back of the house! Oh well. I wouldn't mind, because I don't have to take them down. He he. But they would like nice in the back also.
I went to the mall today and walmart. I couldn't wait to leave! Wow, people are crazy! I'm glad that I am getting my Christmas gifts a little earlier.
Well, not much going on here. Hope all is well in everyone else's neck of the woods. :-) Enjoy some pictures of the cats. They wanted to say hi, or at least I think they should say hi. It's been awhile. :-P


Stacy said...

Wow, you're really ahead of the game. Last Christmas without kids, so enjoy the freedom to get things done in a timely manner!

Laurie said...

nice lights :)