Monday, November 17, 2008

Discovered new blog...

So I've discovered a new blog that I really like. Stacy, you might enjoy it. Here's the link if you are interested:

It's all about MOVIES!!! There's a lot of cool info about movies I've never heard of, but sound really cool. There is also a post by her where she challenges people to compile a list of their favorite movies. The objective is that each movie must be from one letter of the alphabet. Can you do it? I'm working on mine right :) Shouldn't I be doing homework? :P


Laurie said...

Ok so i figured out a list (one hour later) Here it is:

American Beauty (very close runner up: Animal House)
The Big Sleep (runner up: The Big Lebowski)
City of God
Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
Eternal Sunshine for the Spotless Mind
The Fountain
The Great Race (runner up: The Godfather II)
The Hunt for Red October
Into the Wild
Jaws (runner up: Jurassic Park)
The Killing
The Life Aquatic
No Country for Old Men
One Flew Over the Cookoo’s Nest
Quantum of Solace? Haha havnen’t seen it yet :P Still counts right?
Rashomon (runner up: Rear Window)
Schindler’s List (runner up: The Shawshank redemption)
2001-A Space Odyssey
The Untouchables
Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
The X-Files (1998)
Young Frankenstein

Stacy said...

You are super fast. I'm working on my list now. I'll post it too. And yes, I should be doing other things too.

Stacy said...

Pretty good list you have, there's quite a few I haven't seen. I still don't get what's so great about Dr. Strangelove or 2001. I couldn't finish either one and I really tried.

Laurie said...

haha yeah... they are kind of slow, but 2001 I commend for its visuals and story. Strangelove because Peter Sellers plays 3 different characters and is really good at it :P

Kelly said...

Hmmm, I'll be awhile until I get mine finished. I have so many favorites but so many movies to look through! I'll post mine when I have it done.