Saturday, April 14, 2007

Odds and Ends

This is a picture of Fred Rion from Valentines Day. Auntie Kelly and Uncle Brian sent the boys some play food for their kitchen and some Hershey factory hats.

I caught a little bit of Andy Barker, PI tonight. I think NBC already cancelled it though. I had to record most of it because the kids weren't letting me watch it and Amy Sedaris was guest starring. She rocks and I know the episode will be good just because of her. I still haven't watched Earl from the other night. I made the kids give me a half hour to watch the Office yesterday. I may watch it again because it was a pretty good one. I wish there was a Jim in my office.

I've been feeling better lately, but still tired. I think I'm mostly over the morning sickness, but some things will still set me off. I bought a maternity swimsuit the other day and it actually looks cute. But pregnant bellys are cute.

Did everyone have a good Easter? We did. The boys had a lot of fun hunting for eggs at Grandpa and Grandma's house. Of course we ate too much.

Torii made me feel so bad the other day. I dropped him off at daycare and he didn't want to stay. He wanted to go with me. I cried all the way to work. Then Fred Rion started up with that yesterday too. I need to find a way to work from home.

I guess that's it for now. Catch ya later.


Kelly said...

We had a nice easter. We made some nice big thick juicy t-bone steaks. Brian doesn't like ham so much so we went for the best steak we could find. Yum Yum.

Laurie said...

I can't wait to see your cute pregnant belly!! hehe.