Saturday, April 14, 2007

On our way to Sturgeon Bay we had to stop and look at this WW2 submarine. I have never seen a sub before and I thought this one was pretty big. I can't imagine the Sub's today.

The beautiful Chicago view from the Hancock building (as we had to wait for the fire department to put out the small fire below us.)

I really like this picture of Brian in Chicago. This was from our last trip in Feb. The building behind him is the old water tower that survived the great Chicago fire. And of course everyone says it is haunted. Apparently, someone hung himself in the building. Some people say that you can see the person hanging in a window. We didn't go on the carriage ride, even though I would have loved too. We were running short on time and brian wanted (yep brian) to get as much shopping in as we could. It was a great day.


Stacy said...

I got some pictures from a friend in Iraq. There's a couple of tank pictures. I thought Brian might like them. Should I forward them to you?

Kelly said...

Yes, absolutly. Brian would love the pics. Who is in Iraq that you know? Will he/she be home soon?

Stacy said...

Someone I worked with at Target here, then we both went to NDSU and now he is the historian at Ft. Lincoln. We started there a few weeks apart. Weird. He is suppose to be home now, but he got extended. I think he will be back in August and then take his two months off before coming back to work.