Thursday, June 21, 2007

Cedar Point

Ashley and I went to Cedar Point yesterday. It was so fun! Their new roller coaster, the Maverick is so awesome!! By far the best coaster I have ever been on! It's so cool because it's actually not that high, and that's what makes it so neat. It rides close to the ground and twists, rolls, and turns throughout an obstacle of western-themed objects. The first hill is only 105 feet, but when you start the ride it kind of shoots you up the hill, so you go up kind of fast, but then (here's the kicker) you drop at a 95 degree angle! Before our ride started the announcer lady informed us of the drop, and I turned to Ashley and was like, "Is that possible?!?" There is also this cool part where you go into a tunnel and completely stop, and then it shoots you out at 70mph and you ride a whole bunch of twists and turns. It is SO fun! There was also this other coster that is 17 seconds long haha. It's call the Dragster. What happens is: you start at a stop light, when it turns green you shoot forward and straight up a hill, you twist and then come over a 420 foot hill, twist again, and then back to the beginning. That one was our second favorite. It's SO tall! We were there a total of 10 hours and still didn't get to do everything, but I think we hit the best ones. I just can not get over the Maverick! It was so cool. We are also very stiff and sun burnt today haha. Oh well it was worth it! :)

1 comment:

Stacy said...

That sounds so fun! I hope the boys like coasters I have someone to ride with.