Tuesday, June 26, 2007

WOW! Sound like the boys have been having some fun. I like the shoot out picture from fort lincoln. It looked pretty neat. Well, not much going on here. Back to work for me and back to the garden. Work has been going well and I have been staying pretty busy with that this week. My boss is out of town all week so it's been kinda busy for me at work.
Besides work, I haven't been doing a whole lot. I was in Appleton for the weekend to visit my friend Megan and her man. We had so much fun. We went out to her boyfriends farm and went 4-wheeln' and then when out to a bachlorette party. We went to some small town bars which was fun. On sunday I brought the fur balls back home and they are back to normal. They are now licking each other and playing with each other instead of clawing and biting each other when they were at megan's.
Well, not much else going on here. The weather is very muggy here today and it's that sticky kind. eeeeeek. Talk to everyone later. Take care. Kelly

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