Monday, June 18, 2007

Weekend fun

On Saturday we went to Ft. Lincoln for the Ft. Lincoln Festival. The boys had a lot of fun. We went on a wagon ride. We also saw an Old West shootout. Torii ran behind me right away and didn't move. Fred Rion watched, but he wasn't so sure about what was going on.

Before going to Ft. Lincoln we stopped by the trolley and found some more "treasure" on a geocache hunt. The boys liked this also. We had to go through some grass that was taller than them, but they said it was a jungle. Then we took some pictures on the trolley bridge. I should have brought my black and white camera for that. It was fun, except that we had a few ticks on us after that. When we left Ft. Lincoln, Fred Rion fell asleep before getting to Mandan and Torii didn't make it to Bismarck.

Fred had to work yesterday so we didn't do anything for Father's Day. We made him steak on the grill. Then we were going to have his favorite dessert (warm brownies with ice cream and lots of chocolate syrup), but everyone was full so we were going to have some later. Then as we were starting to put the boys to bed, the tornando sirens went off so we hustled downstairs. After we were through with all the bad weather we went back upstairs, but the boys wouldn't settle down then. Finally they fell asleep as Fred and I did too and we never got our dessert. Guess we'll have to have it tonight.

1 comment:

Laurie said...

I heard those geocache hunts are really fun.. I would love to do one of those sometime.

It sounds like you guys had some real bad weather this past weekend. At least you had a good tornado drill in case another event arises.