Sunday, June 17, 2007

Grand Teton Mountain's

Here is the Grand Teton Mountain's. We hiked for about 2 1/2 hours to the waterfall on the left. It was a beautiful view!!! We had the best
view of the grand teton's from our campsite. Our front yard was the mountains and then take a walk about 10 minutes towards the mountain and you will see Jenny Lake which is directly below the base of the it. The day and night was such perfect weather. It was extremely calm and perfect temp to walk all day.
I will post more pics later. I will fly out tommorow morning and be home around 8pm CST. :-( I don't want to go home to madison) I love it here, it's sooo pretty. Well take care and I will call everyone soon and tell you everything we did!!! HAPPY FATHER"S DAY!!! LOVE YOU.

1 comment:

Laurie said...

Those pictures a beautiful!