Thursday, June 14, 2007

Idaho Falls! I made it!

Hey everyone! Well I made to Idaho Falls and my flight was fun. My flight from Boise to Idaho Falls I was sitting next to two guys who are with search and rescue. They had two dogs that they brought with them and they were sooo adorable. One dog was a border collie and the other was a black lab. It made the trip a little shorter also. The view was beautiful on the way also. Today, brian is working most of the day and I really don't have much to do which kinda sucks. We were unable to get a rental car until starting tommorow. :-( So, brian is in a meeting for about another 10 minutes. Then after work I think we are going to go out with some of his co-workers to visit. I hope I get to see some of the city a little more if we have time. On friday, we will be in the Grand Teton's and then on saturday we will be in Yellowstone. I can't wait! It's going to be fun.
Megan is watching the kids while I am gone. She also has a cat and his name is Mookie(her cat looks more like a cow, hence the name MOO-kie). He is the most friendly cat when it comes to other animals. But, Victoria wasn't liking it. And from what I heard she still doesn't like it. Now, Mookie looks similiar to Gingham but just a little bit more chunkier and a light gray not black. When the cats first met, of course Mookie had to hiss a little and Victoria was so scared I think she thought gingham had hissed at her. So, now Victoria and Gingahm are fighting and still are fighting. When I was there, Victoria actually had her claws out and attacking Gingham if she came close to her! Poor, Gingham. Megan said Gingham and her lay down on the couch together often with no problems. Ooooh. I hope they calm down by the time I get back. Otherwise there will be fur flying in the car on the way home from Appelton. I bet they can't wait to see me when I get back.
Well, I better get going. I think Brian should be done with all of his work now. Take care I will write and post pictures as soon as I get a chance.
Luv, Kelly :-)


Laurie said...

Glad to hear that your flight went well!

Your poor kitties!! I wonder if they're going to have any fur left by the time you get back!

Stacy said...

How long are you staying?
Have fun!