Thursday, September 13, 2007

A bit of History

So, this week at work we have a large conference taking place at the hotel and I find out that a guest by the name of Eric Lloyd Wright is coming to the hotel and everyone is excited! Oh, I see... this is the grandson of the famous Frank Lloyd Wright. I have been interested in looking up Frank Lloyd Wright ever since I learned that he helped design Madison Monona Terrace. So, now I was even more interested if his grandson, Eric has followed in his footsteps. After looking up Eric Lloyd Wright, he has somewhat followed in his footsteps as a landscaper & help rebuild homes or business's. Anyhow, after looking him up, I decided to dig a little deeper into the family history. I found out that, well.... Frank Lloyd Wright himself was a ladysman.
Anyway, after searching through the family. I found out that Frank Lloyd's grandaughter is Ann Baxter, the famous acctress, she was the Queen Nefertiti in the classic Ten Commandments! How intersting. So the first cousin of Ann Baxter; Eric Lloyd Wright is staying at the hotel. So, that's the only exciting news here. Thought anyone would like some trivia. I also found out that one of the many Frank Lloyd homes, The Talisien that's located in Spring Green Wisconsin; Ann Baxter is buried there with other family members who have passed. Interesting huh?

1 comment:

Stacy said...

You sure have a lot of interesting people coming through there. We've had a football player and a college coach come to the park, but that's about it. It's fun to work at a place like that because once in awhile someone famous comes through.