Thursday, October 11, 2007

Baby update

Not much happening. We are going to induce on Monday if nothing happens by then. I've been taking it real easy lately so not much has been going on here. The boys will stay at Grandpa and Grandma's on Sunday night if we go in on Monday. I have to be there at 6 am! So much for being well rested before going into labor. Then when you're in the hospital they tell you to rest and get some sleep, but then they are always checking on you so it's impossible to sleep. I hate hospitals.

Yesterday Fred's cousin was in town for a job interview. We went out to eat with her and her dad at Jacks. Torii didn't eat as much as he usually does which we thought was weird. He was so tired that he fell asleep after he was done eating.

The boys are watching Scooby Doo. They have a bunch of old ones on in the morning. Right now is the Scooby Doo movies with special guests Sonny and Cher. I love these episodes.

And just a little rant before I go. I wish the media would shut up about Britney Spear's weight. I saw a magazine cover the other day that said she was 160 pounds! Hello, she's had two kids. I was almost that weight before I got pregnant again and it's actually a healthy weight for my height. The media makes her look like she is obese and disgusting. I'm so sick of it. I saw a picture of her from her MTV comeback and yah, she had a little pouch tummy, but so what. I thought she still looked good, especially after two kids. But I'm just sick of hearing about Britney in general and I wish the media would find something worthwhile to discuss.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

I'm soooo excited for a niece. How great to have a little girl in the family. So exciting.