Monday, November 12, 2007

Awesome website

I don't know if I've ever told you about this website but you have to check it out when you have some time. It's I'm currently addicted to it. I've been feeling crafty lately. It's partly because of the website and partly because of the holidays. There are tons of holiday craft ideas. My other favorite category is under home sweet home. It has things people have picked up at thrift stores or rummage sales and redid them in some cool way. There's stuff about sewing, cooking, clothing, and lots more. Watch out it's addictive.

One thing about being home fulltime now, I find lots of projects I want to do around the house. And since Cordelia is such a good baby I've actually done some of them. I made a curtain the other day. I've almost gotten rid of all the mini blinds in our house. I hate those things. Then I was cleaning downstairs and found some curtains I bought and never put up, they're up now. I also found some material that I bought for other projects, so I have those on my list now too.


Laurie said...

THANKS A LOT STACY!!! lol. I really like the clothing sections since I don't have a house of own yet :p

Stacy said...

You don't have to have a house to find some of the other stuff useful. I always see posts that say they are poor college students. So there are a lot of good ideas to decorate apartments cheaply. The people on that site are so creative.

Laurie said...

yeah, i did find some cool things to do... you got me addicted know ;p