Saturday, November 17, 2007

Cheap artwork

Here's the napkins I found at the thrift store. I really like the one on the left. It's hard to tell what the one on the left is, but it has pictures of a village and mountains and trees. I got a pack of napkins for $2 each and the frames were $4 each. I have to get the wrinkles out a little better and then I am going to hang them in my bedroom. I think they turned out cute. I'm glad I picked them up. I've been thrift store crazy lately. I spend too much time at home now and I have a tons of things I want to find at the thrift store. I would love to have a house filled with redone stuff from thrift stores and rummage sales. I love the shabby chic look.


Kelly said...

I like what you did. The asian napkins look cute. I have been feeling a little crafty lately also. I have a lot of ideas for some pictures that I have.

Laurie said...

very cool stacy!