Friday, November 2, 2007

Halloween in Cheeseland was same old thing. We didn't go to state street this year because of the crazieness in town. It was the badger homecoming game along with the halloween on state street weekend. So the game helped to bring in more crazy drivers and crazy drunks. Halloween on state street went pretty well this year and I think it's because the city now charges everyone to get onto state street. Tickets this year were $7.00 a piece and Mountain Dew was sponsering the event so, they also brought in Lifehouse and twista, and some other bands I don't remember. I wanted to go see Lifehouse because they sing our first dance song at our wedding "You & Me," but I also like their other music. Brian wanted to go too but then we heard that the bands don't start playing until 12:30am! No way, are we going downtown at that hour when everyone is already liqoured up and going nuts. It was hard not too though because tickets were only $7.00. Oh well. We went to a friends house to watch movies, and have some food. We had a nice fun night. It was relaxing to just watch movies and do nothing else.

1 comment:

Stacy said...

Did you watch scary movies? I wanted to watch something scary, but was too tired by the time we got home.