Thursday, January 10, 2008

Getting so big

Today I signed Fred Rion up for kindergarten. He went with so he could see the school. On the way there he kept asking where the bathroom was so I guess he was concerned about that. They had the signup later in the day and we were there when school let out. As we were leaving we walked by a line of kids, it had to be this year's kindergarteners, and Fred Rion was taller than all but a few. When we left Fred Rion was mad that he didn't get to stay. When we got home he told daddy that I wouldn't let him stay at school. They have four days set aside this spring where I can bring him to sit in with the this year's kindergarten class. I will take advantage of that for sure. Then there is a parent's night in May too.

In other news, Cordelia is a thumbsucker. She has been trying to find her thumb for awhile and she finally has. She took a nap today and was kind of waking up, then she found her thumb and that soothed her back to sleep. I can hear her in there now sucking away.


Laurie said...

I cannot believe that he will be going to school in the fall!

Kelly said...

WOW! How time flys. I think he's excited to make some friends. It was so cute when he's talking to the kids at Barnes and Noble. He's going to have fun.