Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year Everybody!!!!!!!

I wanted to put some of my favorite pics on the blog from our Christmas vacation. We had so much fun visiting with everyone and of course all of the wonderful food! Well, we are partly moved in and we are enjoying our house. The cats right now are enjoying the house also, especially the stairs! Brian gave them some tuna and I don't know what was in the tuna but, they are going crazy! Victoria and Gingham are chaseing each other up and down the stairs for about 30 minutes now and they are still going at it. I was laughing so hard when Victoria was chaseing gingham from the kitchen to the stairs. Victoria kept running in place on the hard kitchen floor, she wasn't going anywhere! I told Victoria "more paw and less claw!" Crazy cats.
Right now I am useing temorary internet in the meantime, so I won't beable to check my mail or the blog often. :-( Just until we get t he house set up for internet. Today Brian started work and he's full of grins. He looks so excited. I tried to call the manager at the Hilton today to ask about my position and I haven't heard anything yet. I am a little worried but I know he is very busy and I could only imagine what he has to do yet. I'm sure I will hear something soon though. At Brian's work, a lady named Kristi is giving me some places of where to apply. She knows some "people" or contacts and has given me some tips. So if all else fails at the Hilton, it seems there's plenty of places to get a job in the hospitality area.
Tonight Brian and I are going to play trivia at the Shilo Inn lounge. I think it's like the trivia people can play at Friday's, something similiar to that. I guess some INL people will be there and I think it would be fun to meet some of them.
Oh, Yesturday we got our washer and dryer and we love it. It feels so nice to un-pack or clean while my laundry is getting done in the same spot. So nice.
Love, Kelly
p.s-- this post may show it posted on January 1st, (so if you checked it just recently, you're not loosing your mind.) I saved this as a draft because i was loosing the internet (we were sort of takeing some internet feed from our neighbor). he he he. Anyway, I finished it now and it's actually posted on Wed. Jan 2nd.


Stacy said...

I did think I was losing my mind, but that's pretty common for me. I want copies of the pictures with the boys. They are all so cute. Glad you made it to Idaho. Give me a call when you get settled in.

Laurie said...

glad to hear everything went well. I want copies too!! I really like the picture of mom and dad. Idaho really did get a lot of snow!