Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Snow, Film, Summer, and More Snow

I have not seen this much since I was little...
I meant to take a picture or two, but that might have to wait until tomorrow. I have been super sick the past few days, and going outside is the last thing I want to do. It has been snowing every day since last friday and it's not supposed to stop until this friday! SO MUCH SNOW! Oh well...
I do know however, that when I look at snow as beautiful, I know I'm a midwest child at heart...

It sounds like this weekend I'm going ice skating with the group that I'll be going on my spring break trip with. Should be fun. It's an outdoor rink in downtown Grand Rapids. I like everyone in my group too, so I'm excited to spend some more time with them.

I found out yesterday that the documentary I did last semester got accepted into the Student Showcase this year! I feel good about that. The show is on the 31st. I'm kind of nervous to have my work shown in front of a large crowd full of my peers and instructors, but I'm sure it will only benefit me. I'm working on getting a documentary together for this semester... I'll keep you updated on how that goes.

I've been thinking about summer all ready. There are a lot of things I want to do this summer... it's kind of overwhelming. I got asked by my film instructor to be a part of his crew for a documentary he's filming this summer. It's a topic I'm highly interested in because it kind of ties into my Anthro. studies, but I just don't know if I'll be able to do it. I would get college credit for doing it too. I think it would be an amazing experience... something to think about, I guess.
I also have to do my Anthro. senior internship/field school this summer, so there are a lot of important choices to be made this summer. Oh yeah.... and working....will I have time for a job? Amazing experiences or classrooms and customer service? ha.

So yeah, I will try to take some photos of our snow, and if I go ice skating. I'll post some pictures soon :)
Hope everyone is doing well. I will call soon :)


Stacy said...

It sounds like you have a lot of exciting things going on. Hope you are feeling better. I was going to call you too, but mom said you were sick. Get better and stay warm.

Kelly said...

Hey sis. Hope your feeling better. Have fun with your documentry. What an achievement already to have it showcased! I still have yet to see it. Send it when you can. Stay warm up there! :-)