Sunday, January 20, 2008

Getting there

I'm working on setting up my store on Etsy. My store will be located at You can take a look, but I haven't posted anything to sell yet. That might take a few days. I want to get my page set up first and looking good before I start selling. I got sidetracked on it because you can pinpoint your location and they have the satellite view. I found our house, but it wasn't recent. The grass was green, no snow, but my vehicle was parked right were I usually park it. I found mom and dad's house and you can see the walkway to the cabin. Pretty neat, but kind of scary too. Anyway, you can check out my site, but it might be a little bit before I get anything on there to sell. I also ordered about 90 onesies yesterday too so I'll be busy. But I'm having fun!


Laurie said...

sounds like you are having lots of fun! I can't wait to see some of the finished products!

Stacy said...

One item listed! Check out my model.

Kelly said...

That is really neat. I like your website. When you have more posted, can I forward your website to friends around the states? I think Megan has her friend in Wisconsin who just had a baby. Plus, they may know some people at work.

Stacy said...

Yes! Word of mouth is always good.