Thursday, January 17, 2008

It's official

Today I received a cool document that states that I am officially the owner of Apple Creek Designs. There's nothing really exciting about the document, but I'm pretty proud of it. I kind of thought this would be one of those things that I talked about doing, but never actually did. I never thought it would get this far, but here I am. I actually have my own business. I still have a lot of work to do, but I can't wait. Do what you love, and this is it for me. My job at the park pays the bills for now, but this business of my own is what I really like to do. I hope it works out and I make some money from it.


Kelly said...

That's so great sis! Congrats! I'm sure it will be great. Can't wait to hear more about it as you go.

Kelly said...

I forgot to ask, are you looking to open a small store in town or going for an online page for now?

Stacy said...

Online only, maybe a craft fair.

Laurie said...

very cool! i am excited to see what you will be producing!! :)