Monday, January 7, 2008


I made these shirts for both boys. I really like them, but the song was in my head all day. I mean, how can you not start singing it when you see the lyrics?
So I've started playing with designs and shirts and want to start selling some soon. I just picked up about 80 shirts that were clearanced at Walmart. I hit up both stores. There's some more I'd like if they mark them down too. I'm going to send in my business name registration this week and then get set up with selling them online. I will keep you posted and send a link when I get that done.
On Wednesday I'm going to go back to work. Only part time though. I haven't told them yet that I don't want to do full time so I don't know how they'll take it. I think I might only do a half day on Wed.
On Thursday I get to sign Fred Rion up for kindergarten. Can you believe that? He is getting so big.
Tomorrow we are going to McDonalds with Auntie Vicki. The boys wanted to go to her donut shop today so I'm glad she called.

1 comment:

Laurie said...

aww very cute :P That song gets stuck in my head whenever I read it too lol. Good luck on getting your business up at running! :)