Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Happy Retirement!

Poor mom. Dad's last day of work is tomorrow. Dad put on a UPS shirt for the picture, but now I just noticed the jeans. Oh well. Dad: the kids will be over at your house a lot more now. I can't lie and tell them that we have to wait until the weekend to go to Grandpa and Grandma's so Grandpa will be home. And lots of sleepovers. How does once a week sound? I'll write up a contract. Have a happy, happy retirement.


Laurie said...

Awww very cool! I cannot believe dad won't be working anymore!! Crazy! Stacy, make sure you get our mother out of the house once and awhile! haha.

Kelly said...

Congrats Dad! Cheers! Go out and have a amaretto coke for me! Sorry I can't join you right now. Hopefully I can get home soon to celebrate. :-)

Laurie said...

Mom told me that the starter in dad's truck quit today. Does anyone else find the ironic? :P
Happy retirement dad!

Laurie said...

whoa... Kelly and I posted at the same time... we most be sisters.. weird

Kelly said...

Crazy! That's so funny. What a way to start a retirement day. Look at this way; you already have something to work on. Ha ha.

Kelly said...

ok, ok. So laurie just told me it was the UPS truck that broke. Oops. Ha ha. That's even more funny. The truck is jealous!

Laurie said...

I think the truck wants to retire too