Monday, May 12, 2008

Crazy week

I am so glad last week is over. Now I can finally get back to slacking off and blogging. Yah right.

On Saturday I set up for a show at the Civic Center. It was pretty slow and I didn't make much. Grandpa and Grandma brought the boys and they had a lot of fun. It was suppose to be a family fun expo and they had inflatables for the kids to play on. Torii was asleep when I got home. I worked my butt off getting ready for that show so I was pretty dissappointed with the turnout. So I wore myself out and when that happens I usually get sick. I had a mild cough last week and it came on strong on Saturday and by the end of the show I could barely talk. My voice is still pretty rough today.

Sunday was suppose to be a nice day, but I felt kind of crummy. Fred did cook breakfast, lunch and dinner for me. That's what I said I wanted for Mother's Day. I also had work to do on Sunday as I had to finish a portfolio for my job interview. It was due today. So I had to work on that and make three copies of everything. I was still working on it this morning, but I got it done.

Today and tomorrow I am at HQ for our annual meeting so I turned in my portfolio while there. This week will probably be busy also since I am not at the park for two days which puts me behind there. It's ok, I can handle that. Work is starting to get busy. I can't believe next week is already Memorial Weekend!

Kelly-I got the cookies. Thank you! Very good! I loved the mini sugar cookies. I think you have inherited mom's talent for sugar cookies. I still can't figure out the secret. Mine never turn out. The cookies lasted about 20 minutes. I shared with the boys.

So now you're caught up with me. Oh yah, and it snowed on Saturday. Will summer ever come?


Laurie said...

wow. I cannot believe it snowed there!! We still haven't got any snow!! haha.. I almost want some because everyone thinks I'm lying when I tell them you all got snow :P Anyways... I really hope you get that job! Best of luck to you, and i will call very soon!!! :)

Kelly said...

Good luck with the job sis. Hope you are feeling better. I'm glad the sugar cookies turned out ok. I wasn't sure about them.