Thursday, May 29, 2008

Still good news

Well, I didn't get the job I interviewed for. I really wanted the job, but in a way didn't either. I'm not quite ready for full time so it's ok. Really good things may come from it though. I was talking to one of the people who interviewed me and she said they may use me on some projects or promotions now that they know my background more. That way I can get some more experience. I work at such a cool place. So really good things are happening even though I didn't get the job.

We are getting some much needed rain. We had a nice thunderstorm this morning. We could use some more rain still.

Cordelia got her first tooth. It's not all the way out yet. Only a little speck of white is visible, but it's coming.

I did like the Indiana Jones movie. I read a review the other day that said if you compare it to the other movies you will hate it. So I watched it just as is and thought it was good. It's a good movie to see in the theatres if you want to see something fun. There were a couple of weird parts, but overall I liked it. I'm not sure if Fred Rion would like it so I think I'll take him to an animated movie instead soon. He wants to see the new Pixar movie. I'm not sure when it comes out though.

So that's whats new here. Not much. Cordelia is trying to eat the chair. The cold metal probably feels good on her gums. So I better go and take care of her. Later.


Kelly said...

Bummer about the job. That makes two of us then. How is Cordelia likeing her tooth? I bet she likes to keep nauwing on something cool. Tell everyone hi.

Laurie said...

good to hear that good things are coming from your job even though you didn't get the job you wanted. Glad NoDak got some rain too. Hopefully you will be able to have bon fires again soon!