Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Beautiful Day in Michigan

I went to the beach today. I thought I deserved a break from all the stress of school and work. I am almost done with my spring class though! I got my project done, so that is good. I am extremely nervous to present to it though. For all our projects, we have them critiqued by our classmates. This process involves us going in front of class, presenting our film, and then taking positive/negative feedback from our peers. This project is a little bit different though. This time we have to stand in front of the class all by ourselves, whereas other times you at least got to stand with your partners. So yeah... I'm bit nervous.
The weather has been fabulous! Like I said, we went to the beach today (sorry I got a bit side-tracked), and then got ice cream. We played some volleyball, frisbee, and we buried one of my friends in the sand. It was a lot of fun. Although, I did get injured playing a rowdy game of keep away. I was determined not let my friend have the volleyball so we both ran after it and he ended up stepping on my foot while we were running. It's all black and blue now:( Oh well. It was fun.


Stacy said...

The very last class at NDSU I took was a summer art class. We had to take some sort of art or music class for some bogus art appreciation credit or something. Anyway, at the end of the semester we had to show all of our artwork from that semester in front of the class and they commented on it. I had a few nice pieces, but compared to the other people in that class I was a really bad artist. That was not a fun experience. Oh well, I passed the class and got my dipolma shortly after.

I like the beach picture. You look like you belong in a fashion magazine for summer clothing.

Kelly said...

I totally agree stacy!! I thought the same thing! The pic looks like from a magazine article. I like it. I looks really nice out and fun.