Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Lunch break

I usually check the blog on lunch, since I don't have time to at home. Plus Fred Rion doesn't let me use the computer. Actually he does, but the last thing I want to do when I get home from work is be on the computer some more.

This morning I was giving my hugs and kisses good-bye and Torii said he had to kiss baby good-bye. So he kissed my belly. I told him baby had to go to work with me. After I said it I thought there might be some tears because I always tell Torii he can't go to work with me. But he just laughed and said, Mommy, you're funny.

Not that anyone cares, but I am totally excited for Dale Jr. to be on my team next year. Gordon, Jimmie, and Jr all on the same team! Someone on ESPN said they have just become the Yankees of NASCAR. I wonder what all those Jr fans/Gordon haters will say now that they are teammates. I love it!


Laurie said...

haha I didn't know that about Jr. How does Fred feel about that?

Kelly said...

I was talking to a guy on one of my flights and he is from florida. He's the one of the two from the search and rescue teams from what I mentioned in my blog. Anyway, he was showing me some Daytona Pics when he went and he mentioned about JR. He mentioned it but wouldn't talk about it further. I don't think he liked it much. ha ha