Saturday, June 9, 2007

Major Pain

This week I was dealing with back pain. It hurt so bad on Thursday I took the day off from work. I didn't work on Friday either. Today I am feeling much better, but still feel some pain when I bend down. The house is such a mess because I haven't done anything but sit around all week. There was so much I wanted to do this weekend, but I better rest. Mom took the boys on Thurs afternoon and again yesterday for an overnight. That helped a lot. It's funny because many times I wish I had time to just sit in front of the tv and watch what I want to watch and just relax. Yesterday I was going crazy because I was sick of watching tv and wanted to clean, but couldn't. I did discover a new Discovery channel I didn't even know we had. I watched some really interesting shows yesterday afternoon on that channel. Since we didn't have the kids last night Fred took me out to eat. We went to Red Lobster. Then we decided to go to a movie. Pirates was just starting when we got there so that's what we decided to see. Fred liked it, but i just thought it was ok. The first one was so good that I've been disappointed by the other two. The next movie I go to will probably be Harry Potter which I can't wait for. So that's my week in a nutshell. Last weekend mom and I went to the Lincoln rummage sales and I picked up a bunch of girls clothes. Lots of pink. Found a few other treasures as well.


Kelly said...

I miss Lincoln's garage sales. I hope you were able to get out to Buggies N' Blues to walk around a little.

Laurie said...

oh no! I hope you feel better soon!