Tuesday, June 12, 2007

A moment to breathe....

What can I say? I have been soooo busy lately. I apologize for the lack of communication lately. I just finished my final project for my media production class. It's a 3-4 minute video that took me two days to shoot and two days to edit. Plus, all the paper work that goes into it. I still have a paper to write and it's due in seven hours. Time was defiantly against me this weekend. I have been putting in so many hours at the zoo lately. Last week was also hectic because I worked every single day between the zoo and WGVU. Both jobs have been going pretty well as of recent though, which is good.
A few times this past week, I have got to step back, breathe and enjoy myself a bit. Thursday I went out with a girl I work with, and some of her friends. It was fun. It was mostly (if not all) film/video majors, so it was kind of geeky, but we all really enjoyed ourselves, and I got to meet some new people.
Lesley and I bought tickets to a Tigers game on the 29th. They are playing the Twins :) We are going to be the weirdest fans, and people will probably wonder if we are actually friends haha. I guess I can sort of root for both teams, but probably won't just because I have to support the Twins while they are away form home. We have outfield tickets. We were going to get some in the upper deck along the third base line, but there were none left! I think that game is going to be close to sold out, if not all ready. There are also fireworks that day :). If I get the chance, I would also like to check out the old Tiger's stadium because I heard they will be demolishing it in September.
I'm getting excited because Ashley will be here on the 19th. I have some fun things planned. We will probably go the Cedar Point. Should be a good time. I also got invited to go a friend's house on a lake that weekend. We will be tubing, jet skiing, and relaxing. I'm excited!
Academics....I switched my major yesterday. Anthropology it is. I found what I want to do, and for once am pretty content with that decision. I will still be taking film/video courses, so I can work on a visual/anthropology concept. I will also be taking environmental classes to broaden my studies. I'm pretty excited about all of this. I will be talking with the head of the Anthropology department on the 19th.
I'm so happy to hear that everyone is doing well. I miss you all, and I when I get a chance I will call :) I am almost done with my class for the spring semester, so I should have a little bit more free time. Talk to you all soon!!! :)


Stacy said...

I would love to see a game in Detroit. They have a nice stadium. That's funny that you get to see the Twins twice this season and both times they are on the road.

I think anthropology is really interesting, but what can you do with that degree? Wouldn't it be cool to travel the world and write research on your discoveries?

Kelly said...

Laurie, you should work for the Discovery Channel or National geograhic. I think that would be great to do what you are planning. It's always so interesting.