Sunday, June 24, 2007

Relaxing weekend

Vicki took the boys on Saturday for an overnight. They didn't take naps today so they are already asleep. Sounds like they had a lot of fun. Last night I didn't know what to do with myself. Fred is on overnights again so it was just me. I bought Monty Python and the Holy Grail yesterday at Target. I almost didn't because I thought "when in the world will I get to watch it?" So Fred and I watched that before he went to work. Then later there wasn't anything on TV and knowing I could sleep in, I didn't want to go to bed. So I ordered Little Miss Sunshine and watched that. Steve Carrell and Greg Kinnear are two of my favorites and they didn't disappoint. It was a pretty good movie, the acting was really good. Then today I did some shopping. I had $10 to use at Old Navy by the end of the month so I went there. I found a bunch of little girl clothes on clearance, really good pieces that I know I will use. I think I have enough clothes for the first 6 months at least, but I will probably still buy more. I can't help it, I'm weak. Then I found some socks at TG Maxx, which I didn't have any of yet.

Fred said Norma and Hank are thinking of coming up in October. I hope they are here after the baby is born. It will probably be close, because I'm sure they will leave the second week of the month because Tenn usually takes the second weekend off before they play Alabama. I told Fred I hope the baby is born on the third Saturday in October (the day Tenn and Ala. play) so I can have a birthday party every year on that day. He told me I better not. He still complains that we had to go to a wedding once when they played. Southeners and football, I'll tell ya what.

I went out to mom and dad's today to look for a recipe. Not a good idea without mom there. Like looking for a needle in a haystack. Anyway, Winnie is mad. She meowed the whole time I was there. I was going to read today's paper and let her sit on my lap, but she just whined in the dining room the whole time. I stopped to pet before I left and she purred like crazy. Then she tried to get out of the garage when I got up. I got her back in, closed the door, and then heard her clawing at the door. Poor thing. Maggie went out to the lake with Dave so she's fine. Haven't heard from mom and dad. Tried to call once, but dad's cell was off, got a recorded message from one of you. Will probably have to call again because Torii wanted to talk.

Wow, for such a slow and relaxing weekend I sure had a lot to say. Hope everyone had a good weekend too.

1 comment:

Laurie said...

Your weekend sounds like fun! Little Miss Sunshine is such a good movie. I bought it:) And you can't go wrong with M.P's Holy Grail. I'm glad to hear that you got to spend some time with yourself. I bet it felt nice:)