Monday, January 7, 2008

Back to School

Hey everyone. So I finally have some time (and suitable internet) to blog again :P I started classes today. My schedule seems like it is a good one. i am taking 14 credits this semester, which isn't a lot, but I needed a break from the 18 credits last semester. All of my classes are 300 level classes except one. It's a little intimadating, but it gets me excited to know that the end is near, and I am now taking more classes that pertain to my major rather than all the generals. If I am right, I should be taking my last general this semester, which is a geology course called Earth History. Shouldn't be too bad. I get to go on a field trip, so that's kind of cool. I also have my Documentary course this semester. Pretty excited, but nervous at the same time.
Tomorrow I am going to look for a second job. I have a few places in mind, so I'll keep you posted as to what I'll be doing. I would like to get somethign realtivly close to where I live, but there really isn't anything around here. We'll see, I guess.
The drive home went fine. I had a pretty new windshield to look through and my windshield wipers didn't fall apart on me, so I think the trip was pretty successful! Gas prices went up, but what else is new? One thing I like about going to school, is that I rarely drive.
I have a few pictures of christmas. I had to take a picture of dad helping out with supper :P I took it with my phone, so I hope you all can see it clearly! :p
Not too much else going on... I have some reading to do, so I better dig into my books. I will talk to you all soon :)


Kelly said...

I like your pictures laurie. Sounds like your semester will go a little smoother? Take care sis!

Stacy said...

I want copies of those pictures! Hope your semester goes well. I liked my higher numbered classes because those were the ones in my major and I was more interested in them and did a lot better in them too.