Wednesday, January 16, 2008


This picture was taken a week or two ago when it was really nice out. This week it has gotten really cold. We are expected to have highs in the single digits. We might get a few inches of snow tomorrow. I hope it starts to come down while we are at MOPS so I have an excuse not to go to work. I've worked 1 1/2 days so far and I'm sick of it. I just want to stay home with my babies.
A few days ago I fell while taking out the garbage. I didn't notice the ice on the back porch and as soon as my foot hit the ground I fell. My leg that was still in the house came down and hit the tracking on the sliding door. I got a bump and black and blue mark almost instantly. It's still black and blue. Then my neck started to hurt so I think I got a little whiplash. That's getting better, but it's still hurts slightly. I also got a black and blue mark on my upper thigh, not sure how I hit that. It was a pretty nasty fall. I've been making Fred feel guilty about it. Since one of the last things I thought before I fell was, "Why do I always have to take this sticking garbage out."
Other than that, not much happening. I'm back at work, but only about 20 hours a week. I like this time of year because it's quiet. I've also got my camera with because the wildlife is out more this time of year there. I hope I can get some good pics. Not too long ago we had an owl in our backyard. I tried to get a pic, but he flew off. At least the boys got to see it, and they saw it fly off.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Looks like there's still enough snow there to play around. Looks like the boys are having a goodtime.